"Make It a Better Place" Bag
100% Organic Cotton Twill Weave 170 g , EarthPositive
W36 x H42 x D8 cm
SE: All vinst från denna produkt går oavkortat till grundandet av den första Townfarmen: Tobaksåkern i Lovisa.
Tack för ditt understöd!
FI: Tämän tuotteen voitot käytetään ensimmäisen Townfarmin perustamiseen, Tupakkapelto Loviisassa. Kiitos tuestasi!
EN: All profit from the sale of this bag goes to the establishment of the first Townfarm: Tobaksåkern Lovisa.
Thank you for believing in us!
Organic Product in accordance with the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), produced from Indian Cotton, and certified by the Control Union and Soil Association Certifications.
Bag printed in Berlin, Germany.